By Soundbytes Autumn 2018 on 05/11/2018

Microsoft has been quietly working on a new device that it hopes will create a new, much more versatile computing experience. The new product, codenamed Andromeda, has been touted as a “pocketable Surface”...

By Soundbytes on 02/08/2018

Microsoft has been quietly working on a new device that it hopes will create a much more versatile computing experience. Code-named Andromeda, it has been touted as a “pocketable Surface” and in the making for more than 2 years.

By Soundbytes on 26/07/2018

It seems many families are looking to put down their devices and experience more of the real world this summer, amid growing fears that we’re all becoming addicted to our smartphones. Read on for advice on what you can do.

By Soundbytes on 27/04/2018

Hosted in the cloud, Office 365 works differently to its predecessors. So, if you’re considering a move to Office 365, here are some of the key features your staff will be able to use to their advantage.

By Soundbytes on 23/04/2018

Search giant Google has entered the cyber defence market, with a new product aimed at identifying threats faster than any other tool on the market.

By Soundbytes on 23/04/2018

The greatest scandal in its history has hit Facebook, wiping more than $36 billion off its share value. It goes further than data and privacy worries, though, amid claims the foul play in question could have influenced the results of important democratic votes.